Wednesday, January 25, 2006
My entire life is so BORING!! Nothing happening to tell anyone about. No news. Nothing. What the hell am I even alive for? My life seems to be getting even MORE predictable, if thats possible. DAMN!!! I was doing okay. But something doesn't like me doing well. There always has to be SOMETHING wrong. If my life is okay, something comes along and kicks me down. And not satisfied with that, it then kicks me WHILE I am down. Why do I even bother. If it wasn't for the fact that Clive cant cope with the dogs on his own, I dont think I would even bother being here. I am beginning to see no future for me. I just wish something would go right for me. I know, Things only go right when you MAKE them go right. Well, I dont have the energy any more. I dont think I can fight any more. I dont WANT to fight. I just want to lay down and forget everything.