Life, highs and lows of an English Tony Stewart fan.

An Englishwoman, living in England, who loves Nascar, Tony Stewart, Garth Brooks, horses, German Shepherd Dogs,and absolutely adores all her American (and Canadian) friends!!!!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Clive got a scratch off one of the dogs late last week. When they were playing. Whoever it was, they didn't mean to. They were just fooling around with him. The scratch didn't look too good, so we cleaned it up, washed it off with witch hazel, smothered it in antiseptic cream, and thought it was okay. Today his arm has a nasty looking red rash, under the skin. I think the scratch may have become infected. Clive had his tetanus shots five years ago, when he cut himself on the car, so i am not worried about that, but this rash doesn't look good. I want him to go to the walk-in centre, and have it checked out.

Clive also had a docs appointment on Monday. I knew I should have gone with him. I knew he would forget something. I don't like the fact that the doc has doubled Clives dose of Effexor. I dread trying to get him off it. He has also changed his medication for his oesophagitis. And his painkillers too. We just wanted to be able to get some sleep. We are both pretty close to mental and physical exhaustion. Neither of us has slept properly for months. And of course, our bodies are used to all these disturbed nights. So we are taking a long time to settle into a new sleeping pattern. I think last night I only woke up about four or five times, and i managed to get straight back to sleep more then half of those times. I would really love to be able to go to sleep, and stay asleep until it is time to wake up in the morning. A full night asleep.

I am going through another stage of not having the motivation, energy or enthusiasm to do anything. I haven't read any emails today, and I haven't made the four phonecalls should have.
I really just don't care.

Shunya is really driving me crazy. She is beautiful, she is sweet, she is smart, but she will NOT be housebroken. It has NEVER taken me this long to toilet train a pup. I don't know what it is with her. She will go for days without any accidents, then I get four or five in the same day. She is also constantly annoying the other dogs. I wish one would put her in her place.

I feel odd. A strange, unwelcome feeling. Like I don't belong. Why should I feel that in my own home?

Oh well. Whatever it is, I cant do anything about it.

posted by tazfan at 11:03 pm comment(s) made: 1

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