Life, highs and lows of an English Tony Stewart fan.

An Englishwoman, living in England, who loves Nascar, Tony Stewart, Garth Brooks, horses, German Shepherd Dogs,and absolutely adores all her American (and Canadian) friends!!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Okay. Nice boring post coming up. As you know, if you read my blog regularly that is, we are redecorating the back half of the living room. Now this used to be a seperate room. Where the square gap is in the wall used to be solid. There used to be a seperate door into this room. But the two rooms were knocked into one, and the old doorway was concreted up. We want to have the two halves of the room decorated differently. The idea is to make it look almost like two seperate rooms again. Before you ask, this is how it was when we moved in. It's not something we did and now dont like.

Firstly, let me show you what we have had to look at over the last four years. Excuse the cobwebs in the corner, that part was behind a bookcase, which we had just moved.
As you can see, the walls were pretty garish! Please excuse the mess around my computer. I tend to be a bit of a hoarder, and with decorating, everything just got shoved on those shelves.

So, we decided to just try the colours we had picked in one corner first, to see how they looked. When we stripped the paper off the walls, we found lots of dents and bumps in the walls that had been covered up by the paper. So, we had to fill the holes, level the bumps. Had lovely patchy walls for a while :)

A total mess eh? Annoyed us a bit, because it took so long. But, we finally got to the point where we could slap on a coat of paint to see if we liked the colours as much as we thought we would. We chose a real terracotta coulour, and a light terracotta one.
Now, the big patch of plaster you see by Clives elbow, is where the old door was. We had to totally cover the concrete with plaster or it made the paint look a different colour! But you can see just how much we had to level those walls. .
So, there you go. The first stage. We decided we like the colours, so we will put a proper coat one those walls. This was just to make sure they went together okay, and that we liked it. Now we have to strip the rest of the walls, no doubt finding more dents and lumps and bumps, and then level the walls, and then paint them.

So. Are you bored yet? You could always come and do the work for us :) Okay, so I am kidding. We have to take our time, but we are actualy enjoying doing this.

More photos and more tales of the unexpected (problems) later.

Be good!!

posted by tazfan at 9:30 am comment(s) made: 4

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