Life, highs and lows of an English Tony Stewart fan.

An Englishwoman, living in England, who loves Nascar, Tony Stewart, Garth Brooks, horses, German Shepherd Dogs,and absolutely adores all her American (and Canadian) friends!!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sometimes, I wonder why we defend other peoples rights to pursue their own enjoyment. Our neighbours are a middle-aged couple with two teenaged children. We go out of our way to make sure that we dont disturb them with the dogs, So we work hard to keep the noise down. If the dogs get too excited when they are playing, and start barking, we bring them indoors. We are as considerate as we can possibly be. Today, the girls from next door were playing out in their back yard. Now, you have to realise that our house is one of the middle two in a terrace of four. In other words, the four houses are all connected together.
The three windows and the door belong to us, the windows the other side of the fence and drainpipe belong to next door.

So now you can see how small our house is. The fence divides our back yard from the neighbours on the other side of us.

Anyway, back to today. The dogs had been playing outside. Fairly quietly. Then the doorbell rang. It was Steve from next door. complaining that there was dog hair blowing over the fence. I mean........ DOG HAIR!! Not huge great clouds of it, just little bits. The dogs are moulting, but not very much. It's a good thing Clive answered the door, and not me. When he told me, I was ready to go round and give Steve a yelling at. But I cant do that. We dont want to give them any resson to complain about the dogs.


posted by tazfan at 6:58 pm comment(s) made: 1

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