Life, highs and lows of an English Tony Stewart fan.

An Englishwoman, living in England, who loves Nascar, Tony Stewart, Garth Brooks, horses, German Shepherd Dogs,and absolutely adores all her American (and Canadian) friends!!!!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Here I am. One week after my tonsillectomy, and feeling LOUSY!! My throat hurts so much. Far more then I expected it to now! I knew it would hurt for a few days. The docs told me that when I was accepted for the tonsillectomy. But a whole WEEK!! With barely any reduction in pain. The painkillers they have given me to take totally knock me out. Within 15 minutes of taking them, I am so woozy and sleepy that I cant even sit up straight. I am not complaining, as such. I have waited so long for this. Forty years in fact! So I knew it HAD to be done. Especially after it put me in hospital in April. At least I know I will never get tonsillitis again.

Life seems to be trying hard to kick me out of the way this week. As well as feeling bad with the op, I have fallen down the stairs THREE times! Yes, THREE times. My right knee just seems to forget to lock my leg straight, and down I go. haven't hurt myself, yet. Apart from a few little bruises.

Shunya was one at the beginning of this month. She is growing to be beautiful, just as I would expect. And she's smart. Maybe TOO smart.

That will have to do for now. I have taken some painkillers, and once again I am now struggling to stay upright.

Take care my friends. I'll be back :)

posted by tazfan at 5:48 pm comment(s) made: 0

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