Life, highs and lows of an English Tony Stewart fan.

An Englishwoman, living in England, who loves Nascar, Tony Stewart, Garth Brooks, horses, German Shepherd Dogs,and absolutely adores all her American (and Canadian) friends!!!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dogs are a wonderful animal you know. When you are happy, they want to play with you. When you are lonely, they want to be your friend. When you are sad, they sit with you, and just want to make you happy again. They are also all so incredibly individual. All five of mine are so different.

Ben is a big old softy. He wont stand up to anyone, unless one of his pack is being threatened, then he turns into a raging maniac, and will do whatever is needed to protect us. He plays gently with children and older people. He plays kindly with puppies. He plays rougher with older dogs, and those people who he knows will be able to withstand rougher play.

Kita is a mamas girl, but a big tough one. She will happily protect me from everyone. Yet she is a clown too, as you can see in that pic of her up ^ there. She was pulling faces because I wouldn't give her a cookie. Kita loves cookies. She knows she isn't allowed to have many. But it wont stop her asking. Kita was starved and beaten as a pup, so she only reached half her expected height, but SHE doesn't know that. She thinks she is full size and will take on ANYTHING or any one!! And yet she is such an angel with puppies. She is a true natural Mom. her pups have always been really good. They have all survived, and all grown into wonderful dogs.

Mishka was an accident. She was never supposed to be. But she is, and she is here. She is the most loving dog you could ever wish for. She likes nothing better then pleasing everyone, and will tie herself in knots trying to do just that. You don't have to bribe her,or coax her. If she knows what you want she will do it. just to see you smile, and hopefully for a pet. She is so gentle. She loves children, and many of my grandchildren, nieces and nephews have learned to walk by holding on to Mishka, who will take tiny little baby steps, and will stop if she thinks the child is unbalanced. She is so gentle that a baby could give her a treat and she would not leave so much as a drop of drool on the baby. Mishka is a darling.

Inka is as dumb as she is beautiful. But she is stubborn and willful. She knows she is beautiful. She does not like anyone getting something she isn't getting. no matter if its a pet, or a treat, or a telling off. Inka always has to be first in line for everything. She is smart if she needs to be, but she can be SO stupid. This is the dog who tried to jump a 1 foot high fence, decided half way over that she DIDN'T want to jump it, and got stuck with her front legs on one side of the fence and her back legs the other side. She could have WALKED off the fence, but she couldn't figure it out. So she stood there and yelled until someone went and lifted her off the fence.

Shunya is my baby. She is smart as anything. She learns really quickly. Unfortunately that means she leanrs bad things as quickly as she learns good things. She has learned how to ignore you, and she has learned how to play cute to avoid getting told off. She is going to be huge. The pic above was taken when she was six months old. She is now a year old, and bigger then Inka and Kita. She hold the future for me, as she is to replace Kita as my brood bitch. A lot rides on her young shoulders, but I know she wont let me down.

So there you go. Five dogs, five different personalities.

posted by tazfan at 11:03 pm comment(s) made: 0

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I just don't seem to have the get up and go to do anything, so I am just going to focus on the dogs for a while. They are always doing something to either entertain me or annoy me. So, lets start with a few pics.

First one up is Shunya. I cant believe how much she is growing! She is just a year old, and is already taller then both Kita and Inka. She is about the same size as Mishka, and about three inches shorter then Ben. She is going to be HUGE!!

She is such a beauty. I wish I had bred her myself, but if I had, then I couldn't breed from her!

Shunya and Inka at the top of the stairs. The difference in colouring is quite marked in this pic. Shunya is so much lighter then Inka. Although the black saddle on her back will deepen in richness and depth. I hope her face doesn't change too much. I love the way her head is marked right now.

Okay, another dog. Which one. Ben of course!! He has developed into such a stunning lad. Big and bold. I can hardly remember the 7 month old wimpy coward we bought home. Now he is just gorgeous. Yet he is such a sweet boy. I have some friends who have a disabled son. Julian cant talk very well, has trouble with a lot of things, but he loves Ben to bits. If WE play with Ben he uses all his strength. But when Julian plays with him, he is so gentle. He still tugs his toys around, but only as hard as Julian can stand it. He has never pulled Julian over, or knocked him over. There seems to be some unspoken code between them. I am so proud of my big red boy.

These last two pics are of two of Kita's first litter of pups. They were 5 weeks old when the photos were taken. I still see one of them fairly regularly. And get emails, photos and letters from some of the others. They are all fit and well. Happy and loved.

Okay. thats enough for now. More dogs tomorrow :)

posted by tazfan at 8:20 pm comment(s) made: 1

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

No matter how many times it happens, the generosity and friendship I have experienced from Americans never ceases to amaze me. Many seem to have sort of adopted me as cyber friend, many really have become friends, even though it is possible we may never meet. One has cyber adopted me as a long lost family member :) I get some wonderful emails from people, and have a laugh and some fun with others.

I cant tell you what has prompted this little post. I promised I wouldn't, and i am not about to break a promise. But let me tell you this. What someone has done for me is just beyond belief. It has to do with NASCAR. No, I am not coming over there. But yes, I AM going to be more involved with the racing then I ever thought possible.

Thank you M.

posted by tazfan at 5:10 pm comment(s) made: 0

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Friday, November 10, 2006

What a week this has been. Yes, I KNOW it's not over yet. But it's been a long, tough one. Allan moving back in, usual struggle to pay bills etc, Sisters car off the road so my entire schedule had to be re-worked. The toilet deciding not to flush, and the plumber not being able to fix it. Discovering damp mould in my bedroom. All in all, not a good week. But hey, dont get too downhearted. It's qualifying day!!! The weekend is here. RACING!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO.. I LOVE racing. And with Tony flying the way he is, I wont be at all surprised to see another fence climb or two!!

Man, you guys have it good over there. You dont even have to read magazines or watch tv to get a fix of your fave driver. A friend sent me this. You get Tony on PORK AND BEANS??? I would happily eat a whole ton of these, then use the labels to paper a wall in a room so I could have multiple Tonys! how bad do I got it?? :)

My throat has been good since the op. The relief of knowing I will NOT get tonsillitis again is beyond explanation. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Silly really. I know there are loads of things that can make me ill enough to have to stay in bed. But after a lifetime of suffering with my tonsils, it just feels so good to know I got the better of them!

I am really cold. We pay for our gas on a pre-pay meter. And I had put enough in the gas meter to last us until next payday. But Allan being here has used a lot more gas then usual. So there is none left. And we dont get paid until next Thursday!! I'm going to freeze!!

Oh well. enough for now.

posted by tazfan at 11:25 am comment(s) made: 1

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I am really not too happy today. It is just as I expected it to be once Allan moved back in. The amount of electricity used, and food eaten has increased dramatically. I just KNOW we wont have enough left to last us until we get our next payment. We pay for our electricity with a pre-pay card meter. Usually, in winter, it costs me about £10 a week (around $19.10 a week at the current exchange rate). We put in £20 on Thursday, our payday, We have less then £7($13.35) left to last us until NEXT Thursday. It wont last. And the freezer is over half empty too. I'll be glad when he gets his wages (once a month) and can pay for what he uses. I did tell him, when he asked if he could come back here for a couple of months, that he would have to pay for everything he uses. I just dont have a spare cent i can use to support him. And I shouldn't need to either. He will be 27 on Nov 13th. Yes, I know he's my son, and I will always be there for him. but he MUST learn to stand on his own two feet. What will he do when I'm gone?

There is a fantastic place I know for anyone who wants to be involved in NASCAR racing. Its

Check it out. You can get your name on the car, get involved in decisions about the car, crew and driver. AWESOME!!

posted by tazfan at 12:22 pm comment(s) made: 3

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Just seen this and it has me rolling on the floor. I dont understand a word of what he says, but who cares!!! It is just SO funny. The guy is amazing.

I needed a laugh. Today is not a good day. In fact, this month is not a good month. In 10 days it will be a year since i lost Tippi. In 6 days it would have been my 26th wedding anniversary if Phil hadn't died. I dont like November. Not at all. Not any more.

Babs, I think your spider came to visit me last night. It was sat in the middle of my computer monitor. I think it thought the cursor was a fly!.

posted by tazfan at 3:36 pm comment(s) made: 1

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Okay. I know, I know. It's taken too long for me to post. What with Tony dominating at Texas the way he did. but I DO have excuses ( Note, I'm not satisfied with ONE excuse, I have SOME excuses :) ). Since I had my op done, I have been having problems with my teeth. A couple of days ago one of my bottom teeth broke, and left a REALLY sharp edge and point on the onside edge. It has been lacerating my tongue. Well, I eventually had to get to the emergency dentist. I couldn't eat, breather, speak, swallow, ANYTHING without my tongue being ripped to shreds. So, as I cant get onto an NHS dentist list, I had to go to the emergency dentist. Waited nearly three hours to be seen. They have filled the hole with dental putty. Only a temporary solution, but at least my tongue will have time to heal.

Okay, second excuse. I was up so late on Sunday night, that I slept late this morning, and have been rushing around like a lunatic trying to get everything done that should be done.

I LOVE my stand up Tony. Ooooooooooooh he is SO handsome!! and now that he's lost 20 pounds, well, Be still my beating heart!! YUMMMMY, and WHAT a race it was on Sunday!! WOW!! What else can I say? Tony just seemed to be driving for fun! Every time someone caught up to him, it was like Tony would wave and then leave them standing!! Now THAT is how a race should be won.

I'm a little sad that Terry Labonte didn't have a better race. It was sad to see him go. And when his daughter said "Dad, for the last time. Start your Engine." I felt a lump in my throat. Emotional wasn't the word. I wish Terry all the luck in the world. He'll stay around NASCAR because of Justin. But a cup race without the Iceman? Who would have thought it?

Kyle Petty and Bobby Labonte are both doing SO well now!! I can see one of them, probably Bobby, winning sometime next season. I think Bobbys move to PE was just hwta they both needed.

Right. I'm off to bed. Must say goodnight to my Tony first though. The one that stands RIGHT by my bed :) WHOOOHOOOOO Love it!!

posted by tazfan at 12:46 am comment(s) made: 2

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Look what I got!!!! A really, REALLY nice lady sent it to me because I told her I had never seen one! Guess what is right beside my bed so it is the first thing I see in a morning, and last thing I see at night?

So. Tony finishes 2nd in the Busch race. Is this maybe a good omen for tomorrows race? I hope so. But other drivers need the win more then Tony does. I would LOVE to see either Labonte brother in Victory lane. They certainly deserve it. Wouldn`t have minded Mark Martin getting there either, but I dont think he has much chance after his bump with Tony Raines. Oooooooops!!

Here's a couple of pics of the dogs. First one is Ben and Kita. these are the mama dog and daddy dog to all my pups. Kita looks a little weird because next doors cat was just getting ready to jumop on to the top of the fence!! Second one is Shunya and Inka waiting for me to get upstairs at bedtime. Its a race to see who can get the spot right by the bed!! You can see how much lighter then Inka Shunya is. Her coat colour wont change that much now, just a little more black, but not much. She so reminds me of a wolf. See what I mean, in the third one? She is such a pretty girl.

Two of my teeth have broken. I'm almost certain it is where they had the thing that kept my mouth open in the hospital, when they did the tonsillectomy. They did warn me that it could knock out any loose teeth, or chip any of them. I'll survive.

Well, bedtime I suppose. I'm not tired, but Clive has already gone up with Shunya, Inka and Ben. There is just me, Mishka and Kita up now. I kow I have to go. But I just dont really care what I do right now. I am so lethargic. I just dont want to do anything.

GRRRRRRRRRRR I must pull myself together, so I will call myself a pair of curtains!!

posted by tazfan at 11:00 pm comment(s) made: 1

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Life seems to be going round in circles. Just when I could REALLY do with it moving forward. My son, Allan, finally moved out after a supposedly short saty, which turned into nearly a year. That was a year ago. Today, he moved back in. We were really enjoying our time alone together. Just us and the dogs. But I cant see him out on the streets. Its winter, or so near winter it might as well be.

Shunya has grown really well since we got her. She is now bigger then Inka and Kita, even though she is only one. In six months, if she is mature enough, mentally and physically, I will mate her with Ben. I am SO sure the pups will be gorgeous. And both dogs carry a blue gene, and Shunya carries white as well. Could be interesting.

My dogs. Ben, Kita and Shunya.

Oh well. Lets see what the next week brings.

posted by tazfan at 6:09 pm comment(s) made: 0

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