Saturday, January 06, 2007
There seems to be a feeling in the air just lately. I don't know what it is, but everyone seems to be affected by it. No one seems to be as happy as they could be, or should be. Oddly enough, even though I don't feel great, I do feel okay. Maybe the fact i am usually depressed makes it different for me. I don't know.
I cant wait for the new race season to start. I miss it waaaaaaaaaaaay more then I thought I would. I guess I got it bad! ROFL!!
I am kind of desperate right now. I dont know which I need more, sleep or information. I am trying to sort a few things out for members of my family, but I am just SO tired! Not physically, but mentally. I think I need a new brain. Anyone know where i can purchase a new brain. Or even a used one, as long as it doesn't have too much info in it :)
My grandson Ty. Hard to remember he is only six months old.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Well. Here we go. A new year. Another chapter in my life begins. But it started on a bad note. Clive and I had a huge argument last night. I really cant remember what about. I dont really think it was anything. We just both had had enough, and started arguing. We were okay this morning, but we really need to talk, or I dont think we will be together this time next year. Dont get me wrong. I love him, and I now he loves me. But we just have so much going wrong right now. My son moved back in with us after he split from his girlfriend, which means Clive and i dont have the house to ourselves any more. Another problem is still the lack of money. Some people owe us money, and we cant pay off our debts until we get paid the money we are owed. Its just holding us back.