Wednesday, November 08, 2006
I am really not too happy today. It is just as I expected it to be once Allan moved back in. The amount of electricity used, and food eaten has increased dramatically. I just KNOW we wont have enough left to last us until we get our next payment. We pay for our electricity with a pre-pay card meter. Usually, in winter, it costs me about £10 a week (around $19.10 a week at the current exchange rate). We put in £20 on Thursday, our payday, We have less then £7($13.35) left to last us until NEXT Thursday. It wont last. And the freezer is over half empty too. I'll be glad when he gets his wages (once a month) and can pay for what he uses. I did tell him, when he asked if he could come back here for a couple of months, that he would have to pay for everything he uses. I just dont have a spare cent i can use to support him. And I shouldn't need to either. He will be 27 on Nov 13th. Yes, I know he's my son, and I will always be there for him. but he MUST learn to stand on his own two feet. What will he do when I'm gone?
There is a fantastic place I know for anyone who wants to be involved in NASCAR racing. Its
Check it out. You can get your name on the car, get involved in decisions about the car, crew and driver. AWESOME!!