Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Dogs are a wonderful animal you know. When you are happy, they want to play with you. When you are lonely, they want to be your friend. When you are sad, they sit with you, and just want to make you happy again. They are also all so incredibly individual. All five of mine are so different.

Ben is a big old softy. He wont stand up to anyone, unless one of his pack is being threatened, then he turns into a raging maniac, and will do whatever is needed to protect us. He plays gently with children and older people. He plays kindly with puppies. He plays rougher with older dogs, and those people who he knows will be able to withstand rougher play.

Kita is a mamas girl, but a big tough one. She will happily protect me from everyone. Yet she is a clown too, as you can see in that pic of her up ^ there. She was pulling faces because I wouldn't give her a cookie. Kita loves cookies. She knows she isn't allowed to have many. But it wont stop her asking. Kita was starved and beaten as a pup, so she only reached half her expected height, but SHE doesn't know that. She thinks she is full size and will take on ANYTHING or any one!! And yet she is such an angel with puppies. She is a true natural Mom. her pups have always been really good. They have all survived, and all grown into wonderful dogs.

Mishka was an accident. She was never supposed to be. But she is, and she is here. She is the most loving dog you could ever wish for. She likes nothing better then pleasing everyone, and will tie herself in knots trying to do just that. You don't have to bribe her,or coax her. If she knows what you want she will do it. just to see you smile, and hopefully for a pet. She is so gentle. She loves children, and many of my grandchildren, nieces and nephews have learned to walk by holding on to Mishka, who will take tiny little baby steps, and will stop if she thinks the child is unbalanced. She is so gentle that a baby could give her a treat and she would not leave so much as a drop of drool on the baby. Mishka is a darling.

Inka is as dumb as she is beautiful. But she is stubborn and willful. She knows she is beautiful. She does not like anyone getting something she isn't getting. no matter if its a pet, or a treat, or a telling off. Inka always has to be first in line for everything. She is smart if she needs to be, but she can be SO stupid. This is the dog who tried to jump a 1 foot high fence, decided half way over that she DIDN'T want to jump it, and got stuck with her front legs on one side of the fence and her back legs the other side. She could have WALKED off the fence, but she couldn't figure it out. So she stood there and yelled until someone went and lifted her off the fence.

Shunya is my baby. She is smart as anything. She learns really quickly. Unfortunately that means she leanrs bad things as quickly as she learns good things. She has learned how to ignore you, and she has learned how to play cute to avoid getting told off. She is going to be huge. The pic above was taken when she was six months old. She is now a year old, and bigger then Inka and Kita. She hold the future for me, as she is to replace Kita as my brood bitch. A lot rides on her young shoulders, but I know she wont let me down.
So there you go. Five dogs, five different personalities.